
1. I am probably the goofiest person you will meet

2. I think that mushrooms are gross and you shouldnt eat fungus

3. I hate the number 3

4. I love tillamook cheese

5. I have had 2 cars a white volvo 1997 and a white volvo 2003.. I
must have a thing for them

6. I hate the number 6

7. I love to be in the rain and listen to norah jones

8. I love music

9. I use words and make up words for just about everything you can think of

10. I love to ski.. its like escaping from reality

11. I always give money to panhandlers.. I really love seeing a smile on their face when I drive away

12. I love to dance its the only true way to express myself and how Im feeling

13. I love hugs and kisses

14. I love my dog she is the only person that loves me unconditionally haha

15. I love cops & I cant wait to be one

16. I love the color pink but all colors are good

17. I wear mostly black.. I swear Im not emo ;)

18. No matter how much I try and hide it I am an air head its just natural

19. I have 3 awesome brothers but when I was little I used to wish for sisters on my birthday cake

20. I am AWFUL at school but I try my hardest

21. I am very sentimental and I wear my heart on my sleeve

22. I drive fast.. I will admit it

23. I try really hard not to judge others, I hate the thought of being judged in the same way

24. I have made ALOT of mistakes and I am learning from every one of them

25. I swear and have a potty mouth.. some times I wish I had the energy to break the habbit

26. I love The Office.. even though its extremely awkward when you start watching it, everyone can relate to it

27. I HATE awkward situations or when some one tries to make something awkward

28. I want to travel and see the world.. but I would love to share that with some one

29. I love my family.. no matter how much we fight, we still are there for eachother in every way

30. I have a really great relationship with my extended family, I dont know what I would do with out them

31. I have a lot of really good friends I have been very blessed

32. I have learned to let things go and roll off my back.. I used to cry every time some one yelled at me or some one hurt me haha

33. I drive with one foot on the pedal and the other on the dash

34. If you are my friend and you call me Natalie I feel like you are upset with me.. My friends all call me Nat

35. I have a lot of nick names.. noot poot, nat pat doggie woggie, nooty pooty, natalia, nater, natty light, natty, miss matheson, noodle.. too many really

36. I am addicted to shopping and I have a really hard time throwing stuff away

37. I hate it when people are mad at me, it eats me inside

38. I hate video games because I get really angry and frustrated haha (Its because Im terrible at them)

39. I am talented at picking off my fingernail polish.. I cant ever keep it on

40. I always lock the door.. doesnt matter if I am home

41. I love the way I feel after I have worked out

42. I blast music in my car and I sing & dance by myself and with passengers

43. I love working at the police department.. it has its bad days for sure but when we have something major go down I love the adrenaline rush I live for it

44. I think that true love is beautiful

45. I love California and Oregon.. I want to live in both places some day

46. I want to repeat the movie Eat Pray Love and go to all of those places that Julia Roberts did.. I just love that movie

47. I love summer and winter.. spring and fall not so much

48. I am ALWAYS cold.. [burrr]

49. The movie Tommy Boy is a movie I quote on a daily basis

50. I am weird

more to come....