Sunday, August 28, 2011

The INTRODUCTION to this blog - Chapter 1: Destroying the Beast..

I have started this blog as I have closed a chapter in personal my life
(personal meaning just the 'life of natalie' not including anyone else)

I have thought of what to title chapter & I think this is a good one.

Destroying the Beast


Many people may or may not know that I started to do what some call "Modeling"
I became self absorbed & completely transformed into a monster that I now can acknowledge as 

"Natalia Ann"

 define natalia ann: self centered, high strung, self destructing, big mouthed, judgmental, jealous, paranoid, people pleasing, crazy & total bitch among other negative things.

What in the world happened to me? 
I can tell you for the first time in my life i felt like I was on top of the world & I did anything to stay there no matter how many people I threw under the bus & it didnt matter how many people were hurt by my actions.

 For the first time EVER I am going to say that I was wrong I thought I had it all figured out. I dont know everything and ya know? I dont have all the answers. 
& guess what else..


I lost everything in this world that had any meaning to me. I lost the most important person who is the center of my universe & the only person who has always loved me for me & all of my imperfections. I lost friends & I created enemies. The person I never wanted to become.. well I became just that. I was the worst friend and the best enemy.

So with this little intro, I hope anyone who has any interest at all in reading this understands that this blog is not meant to talk about everything that is negative. In fact its just the opposite.

This is a place that I can share everything positive that effects my life. This is a place that I can escape & share things that will keep me going everyday.

I have made daily goals and future goals to have a more positive outlook.

I am no longer lost.


  1. Hi Natalie, Life is never too small that you can not make the necessary changes in it. I have gone through your several post and perceived that you are on right track now. You have known the essence of positivism in life, in fact it is everything. Life can not be run on the set principles it need to updated from time to time you have learnt it through your personal experiences. I wish you all the very best in your life :) Shailendra.
